Virtual Event
Picture a Scientist Film Viewing and Discussion
Get free viewing access to the film Picture a Scientist and then join us for an interactive discussion where you can win fun prizes! In this film, leading women scientists discuss the inequalities they've faced as they set out to create a new formula to make STEM open to all.
Professional Skills: Interviewing and Internships
Join the STEM Leadership Academy to glow up your professional skills! This session will focus on internships and interviewing. We'll learn how to ace an interview, maintain professionalism in the workplace, and be successful in an internship.
College 101
Join us to talk about all things college and advice for first generation college students. Come ready to learn about financial aid, applications, loans, how to have a successful transition to college, and much more!
BioBus Demonstrations
Join the STEM Leadership Academy and BioBus for live, interactive, and immersive demonstrations! Using high-powered research microscopes we'll explore the world observing samples from nature and make observations, spark hypotheses, and design experiments.
Cyber Escape Room
Join the STEM Leadership Academy and Exelon Cyber Security for a Virtual Cyber Escape Room! You have a mission: find the source of a massive security breach at your company with your team of other special agents, all while learning about Cyber Security.
Virtual Holiday Social
Join the STEM Leadership Academy for a virtual holiday social to meet other STEM Leadership Academy alumnae and celebrate the end of the semester! You'll get to catch up with friends from the Academy and socialize, as well as build your own gingerbread house and even energize it with solar power!
Museum of Science and Industry
Join the STEM Leadership Academy and the Museum of Science and Industry for a virtual tour of their Science Storms exhibit, a live science demo, and a career chat and Q&A with Dr. Olivia Castellini, Senior Exhibit Developer at MSI!
Professional Skills: Resume Workshop
Join Exelon STEM Leadership Academy for a virtual resume workshop! Whether you have a completed resume or are starting from scratch, we will help you create, edit, and polish your resume with tons of helpful hints and guidance.
Exploring Nuclear Energy with Hands-On Activities
Ever wonder what happens inside a nuclear reaction? Join us for a fun, hands-on, interactive session where we’ll delve into the chemistry of nuclear energy, learn about how a nuclear power plant operates, and how nuclear technology is used outside the energy field.
Career Chat on the Grid
Join us on March 2nd at 4:30pm CT/5:30pm ET to find out how electricity gets from where it is generated to where it is needed to run your phone charger, your refrigerator, your Electric Vehicle, your school, etc. Electricity travels on the Grid and that system needs to be durable, reliable, flexible and increasingly innovative. Come…
Virtual Visit to Fermilab
What are we made of? How did the universe begin? What secrets do the smallest, most elemental particles of matter hold, and how can they help us understand the intricacies of space and time? Fermilab is the United States' premier particle physics laboratory. They do science that matters, as they work on the world's…
Stem Academy Earth Day Hands-On Event
What does environmental advocacy look like for you? What kind of advocacy is needed specifically for oceans, besides cleaning up the pollution? What other environmental factors impact ocean life? Join Exelon STEM Academy participants as we explore sound waves and how they impact ocean life. You will receive all the materials to take part in…