Exelon Foundation Virtual STEM Day – Hands-on Session
Calling all high school-aged students in the Chicago, Philadelphia, DC, and Baltimore area!
Join us for an interactive session exploring the science of gears and gear ratios! Participants will build their own gear systems, experiment with different ratios, and see how the changes affect speed, torque, and mechanical advantage. Learn the fundamentals of gears and their real-world applications, from bicycles to engines, through engaging hands-on activities.
Registration is limited. Register by February 5th so we can ship you materials. Late registrations will not be accepted.
Who Should Attend?
Young people in the following locations that are currently in high school are welcome to register.
Participants must be students in 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade or a STEM Academy alumnae.
Participants must have computer and internet access and be interested in fully participating in the Zoom session by sharing video.
By registering for this event you commit to attend live, at the time of the event. If you can no longer attend, please let Evelina Juarez (ejuarez@need.org) know 24 hours before the event. Repeat no-shows will not be able to register for future events or offered staff opportunities. No-shows at events take resources away from other STEM Academy offerings.